Tuesday, November 18, 2014

More Than Meets The Eye

"Faith is the strength by which a shattered world shall emerge into the light." - Helen Keller

I have been learning a lot about myself lately.  Learning to trust Him more, learning to seek Him in a different way, learning to have faith in a different way.  

I have considered myself to have faith in Him for a long time now.  I do trust in Him and His ways, I do desire His will for my life and I do know that what ever He has planned for me is way better than what ever I could ever imagine.  (His word says so.) 

Recently, I have been spending more time in His word, looking with a different set of eyes.  I can tell you that I have changed, but it is not because I desired to change.  (I'm actually pretty happy just being me)  The change has come only because I want to be obedient to Him.  Through my heart of obedience, I have given Him permission and free reign to shape me as He desires.  

As I continue to meditate on His word, my reaction and the changes that are taking place in me for Him,  He showed me that my reactions to His words are an act of faith.  For much of what I am seeing in His words, I don't fully understand.  I can read the word, I can see the words, I can understand the grammar;   and yes, I understand what the words say.  But I don't understand the depth yet in it's fullness.  

He is showing me how I am simply acknowledging His word as truth.  All of it! That I am not just reading the words in His word and letting my brain skip right over them as if they don't apply.  But that what He is showing me in His word, I am taking to heart and simply doing what it says.  Even the things that go against everything I know.  The things that people are going to question me on and the things that people are going to want to debate.  He has assured me through His word, through the Holy Spirit and through the confirmation of a sister in Christ who walked up to me, hugged me and simply said, "Stay strong", that His strength is what I will need to walk in faith and His strength has been graciously given to me.  

I am thankful for a Father that is showing me how my obedience to Him is not only growing my relationship with Him, but my relationship with my husband as well.  My obedience is changing the way I look at myself and the way I conduct myself.  He is showing me how His strength is what I need to rely on not my own.  I am thankful to be gently in His hands each and every day.  And I am thankful for the freedom in my heart to walk in faith.

_-In Love, Staci 

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